Introducing the new Attoyac Charge newsletter team
Elaine & Wayne: A Prince of a Deal
Wayne and Elaine Prince don't occupy the last pew on the left side of the sanctuary because they prefer to sit a distance from the pulpit. They specifically chose that particular pew because Wayne can look over his left shoulder and view the beautiful stained glass window installed in the mid 1940's in memory of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Allen. "It's comforting to know that things are as they should be and that I am carrying on a three-generation family legacy here at Garrison Methodist Church," explained Wayne. "That tradition not only inspires me but my better half as well," he continued. "Elaine and I attended services here in the early 1960's while we were dating and attending SFA together. Since our retirement two years ago, we have intensified an old friendship with this wonderful church family," he said.
We Methodist love to know what's going on in our church and with our friends. Both Elaine and Wayne, with their long tradition of church affiliation, have an insight and perspective into what's happening now. They are the perfect pair to tell it like it is today knowing full well exactly how it used to be way back when. This special Wayne and Elaine feature is designed to inform the membership and friends of the United Methodist Attoyac Charge that Elaine is the NEW newsletter editor with Prince Wayne always on call for specific details and pertinent information.
That Prince of a Deal named at the beginning of this article includes both Princes. You get a real intellectual deal just conversing with Wayne on any and all subjects associated with science and biology, not to mention all the other stuff he knows as well. The Elaine deal features anything with photos and pamphlets. Elaine rises to whatever the occasion call for. She can make a bulletin, an information flier, a program, a customized bookmark, a refrigerator magnet. You name it and if it can be accomplished using the computer, Elaine can do it.
The new newsletter will feature information from all three churches: Timpson, Garrison, and Caledonia. The membership is encouraged to contact Elaine with event dates and details and all items of news interest to our membership and friends.
Someone once said that if you want a job done ask a busy person. Elaine and Wayne are two busy people who manage to get a lot done. They have a large farm, a large family, a large house, a large pea patch and hay field and some large family responsibilities revolving around three grown children and five grandchildren.
"Yes, we are retired but it doesn't really seem like it," explained Elaine. "Our three children Scott, Larry and Denise along with our five grandchildren and their busy schedules really makes life interesting. We love every minute of every day and we especially love our home and the legacy of the Prince family farm where we live today," she concluded.
We at United Methodist Attoyac Charge are fortunate to have Elaine and Wayne on board with all of the expertise they bring to our church family. You certainly must agree that we have A Prince of A Deal with these two.
Thanks for making us look good! Your blogs are fun to read...